Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Woodland Man Arrested for Threatening to Commit Mass Shooting at Local Mosque

By R.C.
Tue, Sep 14, 2021 10:56 p.m.

Woodland Man Arrested for Threatening to Commit Mass Shooting at Local Mosque

R.C.: Dubya's "domestic extremist"?


  1. "According to police, 23-year-old Abdul Rehman Khalid sent messages saying he had a firearm and ammunition that he was going to use to kill everyone at the mosque.

    In response, the mosque was closed and police launched an investigation.

    Khalid has since been arrested on suspicion of criminal threats and committing a hate crime."

    GRA:It was a fu**ing Arab!!!Didn't see that coming.


  2. jerry pdx
    Let's play "guess the race" from a grainy photo you can barely see details:
    If you guessed member of're right! It certainly appears to be that is, even with the terrible resolution, though I wonder if the security footage is really that bad or the photo has been tampered with. Pretty disgusting story, this guy drops a deuce in a freezer and some woman reaches in and gets a handful...ewwwww I have to wonder how he actually got into this freezer to to do the deed, I don't know of any walk in freezers in grocery stores, but maybe he was able to fit his hindquarters between the shelves somehow, not sure I even want to think about it. If they catch him maybe he'll say it was a political act by a BLM (Bowel Live Movement?) member.

    Check out the comments, they're a hoot.

    On a side note. MSN has restored commenting though with new rules in place and a warning that if commenters don't play nice, they may eliminate comments again. I wonder if they experienced a drop off in clicks when they shut down comments, it's the only reason I think they would restore them. I know I barely visited MSN after they eliminated comments but am now much more likely to start visiting again. Comments are usually more interesting than the stories themselves and often give a much closer approximation of truth.

    I have to wonder about the mentality of people that obsess over arguments that break out in comment fields, do they lay awake nights worrying about it? Why? Arguments usually only occur around certain hot point issues and among a few people, but nobody get's hurt, physically that is. Reality is, it's all about hurt feelings and keeping things as bland (especially politically) as possible so nobody complains. All part of liberal/prog/Woke ideology, except when they attack those they disagree with, then it's justified.
