Thursday, September 02, 2021

WHO is Monitoring a “New” Covid Variation; They’re Calling It “Mu”

By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 12:15:00 P.M. EDT

Yet another variant we’ll need an updated vaccine for? Knock me over with a feather...

Better to just keep those sleeves rolled permanently up, as each new strain “emerges.”

Hey, Mu is the 12th letter in the Greek alphabet, Delta is the 4th one, Epsilon should be next, why did they skip over all those Greek letters?


  1. I dropped a line about it somewhere--"blacks finally invent something--a new Covid virus that is resistant to vaccine."

    If they could limit the new virus to blacks--maybe we can have a better country again.

    Then I woke up.

  2. One-two-three many variants. It is going to go on forever. Has there ever been a virus lethal to humans that has EVER acted in such a manner with so many variants. Each also more dangerous than what was prior?
