Friday, September 03, 2021

White Professor Says: "White People Should Commit Suicide as an Ethical Act"

By R.C.
Fri, Sep 3, 2021 5:21 p.m.

"White People Should Commit Suicide as an Ethical Act," Says White Professor

R.C.: Universities in this country are a menace to society.


  1. If any Whites DO take his advice,they should make sure about 1,000 minorities go with him--but that's informal war--I'm more in favor of a formal Civil War(to reset things.)


  2. Turley had this on ZH.He opined that the teacher should not get fired for his views.Teachers need to push students thoughts...

    Then why not tell students that blacks are killing this country and that THEY should kill themselves,or that the only Whites who need to "suicide" are antifa nutjobs and politicians who fail to protect the people who formed our country--White Patriots.

    No,if he'd have preached that,the prof would be out of work.

