Thursday, September 30, 2021

Federal Whistleblower Who Went Public with Secret Recordings on Covid Vax in Project Veritas Exposé Placed on Administrative Leave

By R.C.
Thu, Sep 30, 2021 8:03 p.m.

Federal Whistleblower Who Went Public with Secret Recordings on Covid Vax in Project Veritas Exposé Placed on Administrative Leave

“There is an agenda.” – Paul Craig Roberts


  1. Does Veritas ever result in actual change?Seems the answer is no--the group they go after just battons down the hatches and hunkers down.



    GRA:Is it a coincidence that this pill is being rushed out because the vaxx is causing so many side-effects?Why take the effing vaxx from this moment forward?

    (ZH)Looks like Merck just beat Pfizer to the punch.

    Merck announced Friday that an experimental COVID pill it has developed reduced hospitalizations and deaths by 50% in people recently infected with COVID.

    The company will soon ask health officials in the US and abroad to authorize use of the drug.

    The news came as a welcome surprise to the public, although COVID cases are already waning in the US and in hard-hit economies in Asia, the drug could create "a real therapeutic advance" that could dramatically decrease the risk of death from COVID.

    If approved (and odds are it will be) the drug would be the first treatment for COVID. Some compared it to tamiflu, in that patients should take it within 5 days of COVID infection (like those infected with the flu are instructed to take tamiflu early).

    Former FDA Director Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC that the trial results are clearly "profoundly" positive, even though researchers decided to stop the trial early because the drug showed significant success, meaning it would be unethical to keep giving patients placebos. To test the drug, they needed to test more than 700 unvaccinated people in a global study. The people were all considered in the "high risk" category due to factors like age, and other characteristics from their "health profile".

    Per the results, 7% of volunteers in the group that received the drug were hospitalized, and none of them died, compared with a 14% rate of hospitalization and death (include eight who died) in the placebo group.

    According to Dr. Gottlieb, "this is a phenomenal result. This is a profound game-changer that we have an oral pill that had this kind of effect on patients who are already symptomatic."

    Dr. Gottlieb also pointed out that the team that developed the drug "also invented the first successful antibody against ebola so this is a very good drug-development team."

    "And remember we have two other drugs in development one by Pfizer (where Dr. Gottlieb serves on the board) and the other by Roches," he said.

    Patients won't be taking the drug for very long, typically around five days, which means "the safety profile is probably pretty good," Dr. Gottlieb said.



    (ZH)As we reported earlier this morning, Merck has released what experts say are "extremely positive" test results for a COVID anti-viral that cuts risk of hospitalization in half, while also dramatically reducing the risk of death. The data were so profoundly positive that an oversight board ended the trial, claiming that withholding the drug from patients in the placebo group would be "unethical".

    Merck says it can deliver 10MM doses of the new drug, called Molnupiravir, by the end of the year, by which it should be approved by the FDA and possibly foreign regulators as well (the wheels of bureaucracy are reportedly turning as quickly as they can). Merck is submitting an emergency application for authorization of the drug, and we may see it in use during the next two weeks. The regiment is 2 pills a day for 5 days, and it's most helpful within 5 days of infection.

    The news has sent US stocks into the green for the day, while shares of Merck briefly soared as much as 12%.

    GRA:But what about all the people with two or three shots of cancer causing,blood clot inducing,myocarditic inflammatory poison in their bloodstream?

    Oh well.

  4. That whistleblower can get a settlement rather large if he punished.
