Monday, September 13, 2021

Primate News Chicongo: Dusky Mom Kills 12-Year-Old Son...

By "W"
Mon, Sep 13, 2021 4:49 p.m.

Primate News Chicongo: Dusky Mom Kills 12-Year-Old Son...

Some unusual (for congoids, anyway) aspects to this story:

1--the Mother was 25 when she brought her son, Kaden, aged 12, into the world. No indication that she gave birth to others before him.

2--her son is not reported to have impregnated any females before his Mom shot him.

3--dead Kaden is not described as "an aspiring rap artist" or budding scientist who wanted to find a cure for cancer.

4--But there is the question of How Did She Have a Gun? And if she hadn't, mighten she have stabbed him to death? Or used a baseball bat?


  1. Yup,I had something about that in my wrap-up of Chicago's finest citizens getting negrotized and niggified.

    "Where's dat mammary card for my phone?
    "I don't know."
    "It's gone--so you must have it."
    "Dat's it--it's shootin' day today."

    Just that fast,blackie shoots about nothing.And WE'RE putting them in charge of our cities.Whitey's getting pretty dumb too.Is it the flu vaccines that's caused the drop in White's intelligence and judgement?Or something else?


  2. Always these kinda stories carried by the English tabloid media and not even a mention in the USA. Thank you Fleet Street.
