Monday, September 13, 2021

Part II of Exposing the Blatant Lies about about Covid “Vaxxes”

[Previously: “‘Breakthrough Cases’ and the Delta Variant: Exposing the Blatant Lies about Covid ‘Vaxxes’ Part I.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, September 13, 2021 at 3:14:00 P.M. EDT

By Paul Craig Roberts

If already there are variants, it is highly likely that they are results of the vaccine which top rank scientists believe enables the virus to escape immune response. In other words, the more vaccination, the more variants, the more Covid spreads.

It would be impossible to design a greater failure or a greater threat to public health and civil liberty than the mRNA vaccines and the campaign behind them. Many distinguished experts have reached this conclusion and speak it, but they are censored. Why? Is it only because they threaten vaccine profits?

Despite the massive undeniable total failure of the Covid Vaccine, there is enormous pressure from everywhere for universal vaccination. Biden wants it mandated by the Labor Department that every firm with 100 employees requires vaccination as a condition of employment. Hospitals and HMOs are requiring it of their doctors and nurses. There are calls to deny unvaccinated people access to restaurants, hotels, public transportation, sports events, hospitals, and even visits to their own doctor. [N.S.: In New York City, this is already a reality.]

The only possible conclusion is that either public officials, employers, and university administrators are so completely stupid that they cannot fathom the clear evidence or they want more adverse vaccine reactions, more new variants, and more Covid cases.

GRA: They’re not stupid.


N.S.: They are exploiting the pandemic to aggrandize totalitarian power. As Rahm Emanuael said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”


  1. Vaxxx not really a vaxxx. The CDC CHANGED just this September 1 their definition of a vaxxx to include the Covid vaxxx. The Covid vaxxx just increases your immune system to fight off the virus.

  2. I'm glad this was posted--I have been putting off writing about this topic. Not only has the vaccine failed to stop the spread (just look at Israel--from vaccination champ to leader in Covid cases) but there is evidence that the vaccine makes people MORE vulnerable to the Fauci-Wuhan Virus. Worse, there is considerable testimony by nurses and medical people that the "surge" in Virus cases are in fact cases of people suffering from the effects of the so-called "vaccines" themselves. We know that power-hungry weasels (like you know who) and profit-hungry drug companies want the billions they are making from the "vaccines." But why are thousands of doctors and hospital administrators--almost the entire medical establishment going along? All these people can't be completely stupid--it takes high grades to get into medical school. And they can't all be on the Big Pharma payroll. Many must be cowards who are intimidated by the establishment. Vaccinating everyone with the killer jab is the agenda and few dare to go against it. It is up to the people to wake up and see that the emperor has no clothes--and say NO MORE!

  3. Normal clinical trials for any inoculation normally five years. Not with this "vaxxx".
