Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Oh, to be a Nation! Poland Thwarts 1,000 Illegal Border Crossings in Four Days

By R.C.
Wed, Sep 15, 2021 11:10 p.m.

Poland Thwarts 1,000 Illegal Border Crossings in Four Days


  1. Show us the way Polski.May be the place to move to.


  2. This ABC story gives the background:

    EU condemns Belarus for 'direct attack' using migrants

    BRUSSELS -- The European Union on Wednesday condemned what it called Belarus’s “aggressive behavior” in organizing illegal border crossings with migrants into Latvia, Lithuania and Poland with the aim of destabilizing the 27-nation bloc. ... The migrant movements spiked dramatically after the EU slapped sanctions on Belarus officials. ... Many of the migrants were believed to have arrived in Belarus by plane on commercial flights from Iraq.

    So the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, was flying migrants directly from Iraq into Minsk, then herding them to the EU border -- he did this in retaliation for EU sanctions, particularly recent ones imposed in response to this incident:

    Allegations of state-sponsored hijacking

    It's intended the migrants will apply for asylum -- normally it would be contrary to international asylum law and practice to turn them away without considering their applications (unless the EU has a 'safe third country' agreement with Belarus, which they probably do not) -- so Poland would have to be ready to ignore any court decisions about that -- I'm not sure what impact the unusual circumstances here would have, i.e. the fact the asylum seekers are being used as a weapon by Lukashenko.

    Also: in the ABC story, Merkel is one of the EU leaders condemning this as an 'attack' on the EU -- yet in 2015, as Merkel decided to waive the Dublin Accord and allow migrants to stream into Germany, the official state line in DE was that the migrants/refugees were a big plus, i.e. they would be future workers/taxpayers -- now they represent a 'hybrid attack'.

  3. The Poles want Poland to be Poland. How quaint. As others also say, go Poland.
