Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Norm McDonald, Former SNL Cast Member, Prolific Comedy Writer, and Standup Has Died

By Jerry PDX
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:12:00 P.M. EDT

I remember him best for his hilarious appearances on Howard Stern, his deadpan delivery, and dry wit, contrasted with the raucous atmosphere of the Stern show, but it always worked. He was one of the earliest and most vocal critics of cancel culture and tweeted support of Trump:


I doubt that exactly endeared him to the liberal-dominated entertainment industry, and while he continued to work, he seemed to take a lower profile since then, though whether that was a certain degree of blacklisting or health issues with his cancer, I can’t say for sure.

That he goes at barely over 60 and Ed Assner (thanks, GRA) somehow gets to 91 and has 30 more years to spew his lunacy is proof there is not always true justice in this universe.

1 comment:


    GRA:From stand-up,to SNL,to hosting various podcasts and acting in a few movies--plus a TV show("Norm"),MacDonald was pretty entertaining.A sly style--much of it understated--until he slammed home the big punchline,MacDonald was reportedly diagnosed with cancer nine years ago.though he did not tell anyone. I suspected something was wrong the last couple years when he appeared to have some major weight gain in his face(cancer drug side effects?)beyond the "norm".

    He has many worthwhile clips on YouTube.

