Saturday, September 11, 2021

Never Forget 9/11:Those Who Hated America Then Have the Same Ideology That Hates America Today—but Now, Those People are U.S. Citizens

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, September 11, 2021 at 11:40:00 A.M. EDT

Just a couple thoughts about 9/11, as I watch the inept George W. Bush, speak on the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack.

Bush talked about how “the American people did not focus on a fear of Muslim religion or Middle Eastern people after the evil attacks and instead welcomed immigrants from everywhere—including the Middle East.”

(A BIG mistake).

“Never forget.” Those should be the words spoken and directed toward our White history—which communists from blm and antifa are attempting to remove from our memories and history books—Dems and Republicans both complicit in that push, as we speak.

“Never forget”—WHO attacked the Twin Towers—and attempted to destroy the White House, Pentagon, and Capitol Building. They WERE Afghanis and Saudis. Bin Laden was the leader of the Afghanistan terrorists—the same people we are importing into our country by the hundreds of thousands today—from the same area of the world we fought in for 20 years. The same people we trained to fight against the Taliban—who turned and ran, when it came time to fight for their country.

They’re coming here now—by invite from Biden and company.

There are some who think 9/11 accomplished its goal of destroying much of what America was about. I believe that to be true. Our freedoms were reduced in the aftermath and—for Whites at least—those rights have continued to evaporate under the direction of globalists who have assumed control of the former United States of America.

Those who flew the planes hated America, yet the networks, news media, and politicians who are involved in today’s commemoration, hate America as much as those who hijacked the four airplanes twenty years ago.

There will be much more than two buildings destroyed when this current communist attack is completed in the coming years.

By then, much will be forgotten.



  1. Nice piece and I agree. I think it was by 2010, a little over 8 years, that the papers were bragging on that 9/11 of how the Muslim population had already more than doubled what it was in 2001. Sick.

  2. And the Left now secretly applauds and approves of 911 also. USA got what was coming. YES, that is their attitude.
