Sunday, September 05, 2021

Man Accused of Shooting Brother to Death during Argument

By R.C.
Sun, Sep 5, 2021 9:03 p.m.

Man Accused of Shooting Brother to Death during Argument

Video courtesy of TV Botswana.
R.C.: Have you ever noticed that most of the "journalists" on TV are now Knee Grows?

N.S.: Not just. There are are also reconquistas who make a point of pronouncing their names, as if they were working in Mexico.



  1. "Have you ever noticed that most of the 'journalists' on TV are now Knee Grows?"

    Knee Grows script readers and not much more than that. And it is now OBLIGATORY to have a quota of them. Not just the token. Beyond sports reporters and the weather or traffic boy.

  2. Nig reporters on TV,talk about the nig mayors and police chiefs(who DON'T arrest the nigs in their cities--Whites,yes)and complain about White privilege,while being handed city after city on a silver platter by indifferent or woke White voters.

    Here in GR,still mostly White anchors on the local news,but they're so commie,you have to take it in small 5 minute doses.


  3. I have noticed through the years that whenever a black commits a crime of violence against Whites, from assault to murder, the local news almost always sends a black reporter to cover it. IMO, an attempt by the news outlets to show "a good black" (the responsible gainfully employed reporter)to counter the negative stereotype the black criminals bring to the TV audience. They try to avoid sending a White reporter to cover a black criminal's evil deeds because it visually emphasizes good race/bad race. A difference seen in black and white.
