Thursday, September 02, 2021

It’s a Subscription: Fauci Says Government on Track to Administer COVID-19 Booster Doses Every Eight Months

By R.C.
Thu, Sep 2, 2021 11:52 a.m.

It's a Subscription: Fauci Says Government on Track to Administer COVID-19 Booster Doses Every Eight Months


Google Ventures, the venture-capital arm of Google, is in a position to profit from the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine. The developers of the vaccine, Adrian Hill and Sarah Gilbert, set up a company called Vaccitech to attract outside investors for their new vaccine projects. Google co-found
Of course Billy Boy is allied with Fauci.
Of course.
Bill Gates has remained at the center of several COVID-19 scandals, as the billionaire likely stands to profit from the mass vaccination campaign soon to be underway in much of the civilized world.
The software business model is just like the vaccine business model.
Gates's vision was a PC on every desktop in the world and with all the PCs running Windows.
And every so often there would a new and improved version of the operating system.
His vision with COVID is a mandatory vaccination for every human on the planet.
And with annual "updates" as viruses are constantly morphing into new strains.
It's the annuity model of software licenses. Ditto vaccines.
Why can't others figure this out?


  1. If I didn't get a jab already,I guess I don't need a booster jab either.


  2. And Pfizer is also talking about you taking two pills daily in addition to the shots.
