Saturday, September 11, 2021

"Evil Can Never be Dead Enough": Florida Sheriff Gives Perfect Answer as to Why Officers Shot Man Who Ambushed Them so Many Times (Video)

By R.C.
Sep 11, 2021 8:02 p.m.

Florida Sheriff Gives Perfect Answer as to Why Officers Shot Man Who Ambushed Them so Many Times


  1. "Evil can never be dead enough."Fits a lot of categories of people at the current time. A lot of evil out there.


  2. This bad guy shooter with the AR-15 was a REALLY bad guy. He will not be missed by anyone probably. Even his mama.

  3. What was he thinking before the Deputy pumped a whole clip of 9mm’s into his dumb skull? That by shooting at the cops and then beating one over the head with his gun; that he was somehow going to make his life better, and everything was going to turn out alright?!

    Low IQ + high testosterone + no impulse control + violent hair trigger temper + an innate inability to contemplate the consequences of his actions = A one way ticket to the Morgue.

    “A man’s GOT to know his limitations.” - Harry Callahan
