Friday, September 03, 2021

Federal Court Declares Immigration Statute Unconstitutional

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From: Manhattan Contrarian <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 3, 2021 10:04 a.m.

Federal Court Declares Immigration Statute Unconstitutional

The latest from the Manhattan Contrarian

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Federal Court Declares Immigration Statute Unconstitutional

* The topic of the moment here at Manhattan Contrarian has been how judges with a religious zeal to perfect the world (according to their own woke vision) can go completely off the rails with sweeping orders to transform the entire country.

* In Sunday's post, it was a Federal District Judge in Oregon (Ann Aiken — we believe in naming names here at MC) and another one from Los Angeles sitting by designation on the Ninth Circuit (Josephine Staton) seeking to establish the use of general constitutional provisions (Fifth Amendment Due Process clause and Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection clause) as a basis for a court to require the government to end all use of fossil fuels. Fortunately, a couple of cooler heads on the Ninth Circuit stepped in to put a stop to that one. *

In Tuesday's post it was judges in the Netherlands (including the Supreme Court) and Germany (Constitutional Court), not to mention the European Court of Human Rights, similarly using amorphous concepts like the "sustainability principle" and the "precautionary principle" and the "fairness principle" and a constitutional duty (Netherlands) to "keep the country habitable" again to justify sweeping judicial orders restricting fossil fuel use. *

For today's adventure in wild judicial activism, we have a Federal District Judge from Nevada essentially declaring all federal immigration law unconstitutional on the ground that it is racist.

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