Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Craze for Drug Made from Catalytic Converters Alarms Congo's Capital

By R.C.
Wed, Sep 29, 2021 12:52 p.m.

Craze for Drug Made from Catalytic Converters Alarms Congo's Capital

R.C.: The "drug" is probably safer and more efficacious than any COVID "vaccine" on the market.

Say, can we sprinkle the Hill with this [stuff]?


  1. Two fun facts: 1) for several years, the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) has sent more refugees to the US than any other country; and 2) the best estimate says average IQ in the DRC is 76 (in the West, anyone with a measured IQ of 75 or lower is considered to be mentally disabled to some degree -- the lower the measured IQ, the greater the degree of disability).

  2. Who would even think to make a drug from a catalytic converter in the first place??

    Africa they couldn't invent the wheel but they did come up with this drug.
