Saturday, September 11, 2021

College Football Fans Chant "F**k Joe Biden!" in Between Plays on 9/11 (VIDEO)

By R.C.
Sat, Sep 11, 2021 10:37 p.m.

College Football Fans Chant "F**k Joe Biden!" in Between Plays on 9/11 (VIDEO)

republicans... do not let your people vote for Impeachment.. Let this dumpster fire burn.. You don't want Kamala.. Either a whole new Gov't or nothing.. change the rules .. don't put the dumpster fire out..

R.C.: Yeah, it's inane and sophomoric, but consider the target.

As well the commenter thinks as I do.

"Let the sclerotic old pervert stew in his Depends for awhile longer.

"Then the mid-terms will bring a much needed catharsis at the voting booth."

R.C.: Well, if we survive the next 15 months.

1 comment:

  1. Gimme an "F"
    Gimme a "U"
    Gimme a "C"
    Gimme a "K"
    Gimme a "J"
    Gimme an "O"
    Gimme an "E"
    Gimme a"B"
    Gimme an "I"
    Gimme a "D"
    Gimme an "E"
    Gimme an "N"

    What's that spell?

    Echoes of Country Joe and the Fish(circa 1967-68).

