Monday, September 13, 2021

“Breakthrough Cases” and the Delta Variant: Exposing the Blatant Lies about Covid “Vaxxes” Part I

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, September 13, 2021 at 3:11:00 P.M. EDT

By Paul Craig Roberts

Interview with a Hospital Nurse —

She says that what are called “breakthrough cases” and Delta variant cases are affecting mainly the vaccinated and are in fact adverse reactions to the vaccinations. She says hospitals and hospital doctors will not acknowledge the fact of adverse reactions and report adverse reactions to the vaccine as new Covid cases. The more Covid cases and Covid deaths, the more money the hospital makes, so reporting adverse vaccine reactions as new Covid cases is the way hospitals are maximizing their profits. Obviously, a hospital doctor who disagrees is out of a job. In other words, the truth about Covid and the vaccine is too costly to the hospital to be acknowledged.

The interviewed nurse says that half of the nurses at the hospital where she works are about to lose their jobs, because they refuse to be vaccinated. We have seen, she says, the terrible effects of vaccination on patients and are unwilling to do this to ourselves. Many nurses want to quit regardless, because they cannot stop doctors from making people ill by vaccinating them.

The nurse says that the only treatment the hospital gives Covid patients is Remdesivir and puts patients on ventilators. Remdesivir has serious adverse effects of its own, and ventilators are a known killer of Covid patients.*

Asked about Ivermectin, hospitals refuse to use it, even if a doctor prescribes it for a patient.

The conclusion is that when it comes to Covid treatment, the American medical system is the most backward one in the world.

Unfortunately, the presstitutes will not report any of this.

The Covid lie began with the PCR test run at high cycles that made the test unreliable and a generator of a high rate of false positives. This is how the “pandemic” was created.**

Fear was also driven by financial incentives given to hospitals. Covid deaths meant bonus payments. This cleverness gave hospitals incentives to report all possible deaths as Covid deaths.*** The flu season, heart attacks, cancer, pneumonia, all became Covid deaths.

In truth the people dying were people with Covid and co-morbidities, and they were dying because they were not being treated except with ventilators, which turned out not to be a treatment that addresses Covid.****

Known and safe treatments were withheld, because otherwise emergency use could not be granted the pending vaccines. Emergency use authorization is dependent on the absence of treatments that cure.

The vaccine is not a vaccine. It is an effort to substitute experimental RNA technology for a vaccine, and it has failed big time. What was yesterday “fully vaccinated” is today unvaccinated. A booster shot is needed, and Fauci now says one will be needed every 8 months or despite numerous shots you will be unvaccinated. In Israel where 84% are “vaccinated,” the pandemic among the vaccinated is so great***** that the Israeli health czar already has Israelis on a second booster. It seems humanity is to become a pin cushion for vaccine needles.



“[V]entilators are a known killer of Covid patients.”*

Roberts needs to provide some support for this claim.

“This is how the ‘pandemic’ was created.”**

False. The pandemic was created by the Communist Chinese government, by permitting Chinese who had been infected in Wuhan to travel all over the world on airliners, while shutting down all flights between Wuhan and other parts of China.

The pandemic was real. It has killed over 600,000 people in this country (including my brother-in-law and a dear friend), and millions worldwide. The Boss also got a false positive once, and was forced to miss two weeks of worth. She got re-tested, passed, and went back to work.

It was the response to the pandemic that has involved endless lies.

Paul Craig Roberts is not helping matters by mixing truth with fiction.

“This cleverness gave hospitals incentives to report all possible deaths as Covid deaths.”***

Keep in mind that while hospitals may have profiteered off of the Wuhan China Virus (I emphasize, may have), nursing homes, at least in the State of New York, have done the opposite. Post-Cuomo, they continue to lowball the numbers of Wuhan patients and deaths.

“In truth the people dying were people with Covid and co-morbidities, and they were dying because they were not being treated except with ventilators.”

But I thought the pandemic was a hoax? Of course, the people dying had co-morbidities. One of the differences between a modern and a backward medical system, is that in the former case, people survive many illnesses and chronic conditions that are death sentences in the latter case. However, in the case of the Wuhan China Virus pandemic, illness and medical care have been weaponized and politicized.

My brother-in-law, Glenn von Nostitz, should have had access to the jab, for better or worse, but was refused the vaccination for purely political reasons. Glenn was 68, and his co-morbidity was glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer. However, he had been receiving excellent care for years (he wore something on his head that looked like a skull cap, and pumped meds into his brain), and was trim and in great shape. He and my big sister would go on hours-long bike rides.

However, Glenn was denied the jab, while for purely political reasons, young, healthy schoolteachers, who weren’t even teaching in the classroom, were all provided with the jab.

Glenn had an official date to receive his first jab of February 11th. He died on February 4th.

Would the jab have prolonged Glenn’s life, ended it, or worsened his health for the next two-five years? We’ll never know.

“In Israel where 84% are ‘vaccinated,’ the pandemic among the vaccinated is so great...”*****

But I thought there was no pandemic, and that the “pandemic” had merely been created by false PCR positives?

Whenever one reads Paul Craig Roberts, one has to keep in mind the two Craig Robertses. There’s Good Craig Roberts and Bad Craig Roberts. Good Craig Roberts has a mind like a steel trap, while Bad Craig Roberts leaks like a sieve. Among other things, he’s a 911 Truther.

I think both Craig Robertses are present in the foregoing article.


  1. I know I've read--months ago--about ventilators usually being the last,ineffective attempt at stabilizing a "too far gone" patient with Covid.

    There was a death rate of 90% as I remember it--if put on a ventilator.


  2. "half of the nurses at the hospital where she works are about to lose their jobs, because they refuse to be vaccinated"

    Medical professionals not getting the vaxxx on a voluntary basis. What does that say and we all know.
