Monday, September 06, 2021

Bobby Bowden’s Body Lies a ‘Molderin’ in His Grave, but His Sins Keep Marchin’ on

[Re: “Phil Mushnick on Two mlb DWI Cases and a Florida State football ‘Legend.’”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous

Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 10:49:00 P.M. EDT

GRA: The Bobby Bowden story is being told now—only because he’s dead. Countless schools are doing the same thing today. It’s a "nigga free for all" at those universities(we know who they are).

Mushnick:Bobby Bowden — 33 years Florida State’s football coach (1976-2009) — died last month at 91. All over sports TV he was saluted as a legend, a fabulously folksy, charming man and great coach, winning two national championships and a dozen ACC titles.

Call me callous, but the cold truth — and one everyone who knows college football knows — is that Bowden’s success was in large part predicated on the recruitment of semi-literate young criminals. Florida State’s administration also knew it and allowed it. They still do.

Since April, two former FSU players, recruited post-Bowden, have been charged with separate murders.

In 2017, the tampa bay times reported that in that offseason, on Bowden’s watch, seven of his recruits had been arrested on charges ranging from assault of a woman to theft to failure to appear in court.

In 1994, Bowden’s kicker pleaded no contest to having covertly recorded a sexual act with a date. Two weeks later, an FSU player was charged with rape.

In December 1993, former FSU running back Michael Gibson broke into a woman’s apartment, robbed her, raped her, twice shot her, then continued his sexual assault, before bolting with her family’s Christmas gifts, leaving her for dead. She survived. He was sentenced to life.

Bowden later outraged the woman’s family by writing the court in support of Gibson.

Florida State’s 1999 season wasn’t half done before four of Bowden’s players were arrested. His son, Steve, in 2003 was convicted of fraud in a $10 million investment scam.

A 1995 book, Battle’s End, was written by Caroline Alexander, hired to teach remedial English to FSU football recruits on the 1981 team. They were enrolled and playing football for Bowden despite profoundly deficient reading and writing abilities, borderline illiteracy. Catching up with them in 1994, she found one in the River Junction Correctional Institution.

By 2015, 19 FSU football recruits had been arrested since 2011.

Again, sorry for the cold truth, but Bowden’s other Florida State legacy lives on, too



  1. jerry pdx
    Just about every college coach covers up and excuses malfeasance by their black players, white ones too but the black ones are usually responsible for more heinous ones, particularly sex offenses. I know there were some sex incidents involving black players when I was in school and the coaches always stepped forward and made excuses for the players, I recall hearing about some incidents that didn't even get public notice, just some girls talking about things that happened with black players. One girls described a gang rape with a bunch of black football players, she had been hanging out with them and drinking too much, when the passed out they raped her and she woke up just as the last guy was pulling out. She didn't go to the police because she just wanted to forget about it and knew that a lot of people would hate her for getting those "boy" in trouble and ruining their lives. She was a big time party girl though and the fact she was hanging with them in the first shows she lacked common sense.

    I also looked up the son of Bowden and fraud. Turns out the kid even hustled his dad who invested over a million with him. But Bowden senior withdrew his lawsuit and said he was just making what seemed like a solid investment, it just went wrong. Who knows about that investment stuff anyways, any kind of speculative money making scheme is risky, people lost vast amounts of money every day in the stock market doing the same thing.

  2. Bowden was an overpaid warden,basically,with knowledge of football.Peeling off a million dollars--and watching it disappear with no major harm to his bank account--is a luxury only these guys and Hollywood types and politicians know about(and the crooked CEOs like Bezos and Gates).


  3. The most highly respected persons in all of American society. The college football coach.
