Saturday, September 04, 2021

black New Orleans 911 Operator Wanted for Hanging Up on Calls

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Sep 4, 2021 12:00 p.m.

New Orleans 911 Operator Wanted for Allegedly Hanging Up on Calls

Police are searching for a New Orleans 911 operator accused of hanging up on citizens calling for help, a police spokesperson said Thursday.

ATR: I betcha most of the callers were elderly black women in distress.


  1. As soon as I read this, I thought, I bet the operator was black. Followed the link, surnuff!

  2. Who was she hanging up on--just Whites?We'll never know.


  3. Negroes should not be allowed to work 9-11 calls. Their speaking and English is so poor if you are a whitey hard to get your message across to someone who speaks as if they have marbles in their mouth.
