Thursday, September 09, 2021

Afghan Cultural Enrichers Arriving with Child Brides in Wisconsin

By R.C.

Sixty-year-old men with 12-year-old "brides."


  1. Which one will die first?The 60 year old(from a heart attack) or the 12 year old(from being murdered)?


  2. jerry pdx
    THAT'S where the girls went! Remember my comment about these Afghan families being mostly boys. Of course, these are the cases where the men were dumb enough to come to the West not realizing they weren't going to get a religion exemption from being child molesters. Most of the daughters are still back in the old country earmarked for marriage to older Muslim men. Western feminists and Wokesters fawn all over the Afghan families composed of mostly males ignoring they sold their daughters off to be sex slaves and baby making machines as children.
