Wednesday, September 01, 2021

A Jewish Joke—but Will the ADL Approve?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 2:10:00 AM EDT

Here’s a joke:

An old Jewish man was walking down a street when he saw a lamp on the ground. As he reached down to pick it up, a genie appeared and announced, “I am here to grant you one wish—anything you want.”

The old Jew pulled a map out of his pocket and explained, “This is a map of the Middle East. There have been wars and violence in this area since time immemorial. My wish is for you to bring total peace to the Middle East.”

The genie looked and shook his head—“Even with all my powers, this cannot be done. I am sorry—please choose something different.”

The old Jew replied, “I’ve been married to a Jewish woman for over 50 years—and not once has she given me a blowjob. Before I die, I would like for you to make her give me a blowjob.”

The genie thinks for a moment and says, “Let me have a look at that map again.”


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