Monday, August 02, 2021

Mayhem on Streets of Berlin: Anti-Lockdown Protests Turn into Violent Scuffles with Police in Germany, 600 Arrested (VIDEOS)

By R.C.
Sun, Aug 1, 2021 10:48 p.m.

Mayhem on Streets of Berlin: Anti-Lockdown Protests Turn into Violent Scuffles with Police in Germany, 600 Arrested (VIDEOS) — RT World News


  1. It's a waste of time to protest in the streets--better to go right to the government building where Merkel is at and do a January 6th the right way--physically kick her out and lock her up.

    Government corruption and totalitarianism cannot be demonstrated against--with the expectation of change as the goal.
    The globalists are too entrenched to allow any leeway.

    Actual overthrow is the only solution.

  2. jerry pdx
    Violent scuffles? 600 Arrested? I checked out some videos and from what I've seen we've had worse here in Portland...and barely had 6 arrests. Of course, these people are challenging the globalists agenda, BLM/Antifa are supporting it.
    Must be a lot of room in those German prisons, too bad they don't use much of it for Muslims and Africans who rape German women.
