Sunday, August 01, 2021

Ex-NY Bishop Confesses to Diocesan-Wide, Generations-Long Conspiracy to Aid and Abet Priests Guilty of Rape and Other Sexual Felonies Victimizing Children

By Nicholas Stix

Ex-NY Bishop Howard J. Hubbard Admits Diocese “Temporarily” Moved Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse

Apparently, Bishop Hubbard went through psychological gymnastics sufficient to convince himself that his confession to a criminal conspircy was not really a confession.

new york post.


  1. I pretty much gave up going to Confession after I realized that the priest in the confessional probably committed 1000 times worse atrocities than I did.

    The priest at my parish would reverse things--and instead of HEARING confessions,would start telling the penitents,who had entered the confessional,HIS sins.The faithful would walk in--and a minute later--run out screaming.

    Your priest might just be a pervert when there's a sign on the confessional door,"Nude Confessions Today Only".

    Your priest might be up to no good when you see him slipping a mickey into the sacramental wine before he distributes it at communion.

    Your priest is a perv,if all the altar girls are pregnant and the altar boys walk "funny".

    Those are a few jokes,but it's no laughing matter in the least.

    When I was about 8 or 9,a priest walking the school hallway,stopped me as I was coming from the bathroom.Everyone was in class so the hallway was empty.

    He picked me up and took me to an empty classroom--true story--where he rubbed my face on his beard stubble.

    "You're such a nice young boy,"he said.Then he let me go.He must have just been starting out his perv lifestyle.

    I told my mom,but she didn't act worried and the priest never tried it again--with me or anyone that I knew about.He never made another appearance in the school.

    Now,of course,I know,the priest was a damn perv.


  2. Right. As moving them around from parish to parish was going to change the ways of the miscreants.
