Thursday, July 22, 2021

Was the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown Decision a Response to Segregated, Southern Schools Cheating black kids on Education Spending?

By Jack D and Nicholas Stix

A Discussion on a Thread of Steve Sailer’s Column on Civil Rights for Whites

By Jack D

July 22, 2021 at 5:16 pm GMT • 55 minutes ago • 200 Words   ↑


I think you [@AnotherDad] are mixing up Brown with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Brown did not concern private conduct at all, it concerned government funded public schools, perhaps one of the most pure example of government action possible. As Corvinus said, maybe if the South had followed Plessy in good faith and had in fact created separate BUT EQUAL public schools for blacks and whites, it would have been better. But the South overreached. They had separate schools that were NOT equal by any measure (not in terms of the talents of the students, which they are powerless to change, but in terms of the physical plant and quality of the teachers, the number and age of books, etc.). And so they got slapped back.

If there had really been equal schools, maybe Plessy would have lasted longer, even though it was a bad faith decision to begin with (it was always clear that the South was never really going to provide equal facilities to blacks – Southern whites liked the “separate” part a lot more than the “equal” part). You may be right that blacks (based on their revealed preferences) didn’t really want integration more than whites but they sure as hell wanted the equal protection of law that they had been promised in the 14th Amendment. As a practical matter, the only way they were going to get “equal” facilities was if they were allowed to attend the facilities that had been built for whites.

N.S.: Not so, Jack. According to the late, lamented Raymond Wolters, may he rest in peace, the last legitimate historian of race in America, in the run-up to Brown, Southern school districts gave segregated black schools equal, and in some cases, superior funding to that of White schools. That was fine with the overwhelming majority of blacks, but not with the naacp. It browbeat black parents into insisting on “integration.”

The naacp dishonestly insisted, prior to Brown, that black students would meet White standards of behavior and academics. The White segregationists were never fooled by that lie. As soon as schools were integrated, black kids started cursing openly and sexually molesting White girls, not to mention not coming close to White academic standards. When Whites complained, the naacp screamed, “Racism!” When school administrators disciplined black miscreants, the latter responded by committing vandalism and arson.

White parents who loved their children, and who weren’t broke, had no choice but to pull them out of the integrated hellholes, and build segregated schools for them out of their own pockets. The naacp just smiled, and bragged that their allies in the federal judiciary and the USSC, would bankrupt the devoted, Southern parents. For every dollar the White parents spent on their own children, the courts forced them to spend at least one dollar on black parents’ kids, while black parents, who didn’t care about their kids’ education, got a free ride.

That’s been the model for the governmental war on Whites ever since. See Wolters’ The Burden of Brown.

The need to protect White females of all ages from molestation and rape by blacks was one of the pillars of Jim Crow.

1 comment:

  1. IT WOULD NOT HAVE MATTERED ONE BIT if the black schools down South were EQUAL to the whitey schools or even if the black schools were BETTER FUNDED than the whitey schools.

    Results would have been the same. Poor performance by the colored kids.
