Friday, July 23, 2021

“The Only Good Indian, is a Dead Indian”: Cleveland Baseball Team Scalps “Indians” Name—Switches to “Guardians,” as Woke and Corporate Totalitarians Win, While Sticking It to Fans Yet Again

[“Breaking News Alert: NFL Teams Will be Forced to Forfeit if Unvaccinated Players Cause COVID-19 Outbreak.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, July 23, 2021 at 11:41:00 A.M. EDT

GRA: Not the Sliwas? What’s the football team going to do about THEIR racist name—the “Browns”?

(ZH) After years of protests from Native American groups and some fans, Cleveland’s Major League Baseball team has officially changed its name after more than 100 years.

According to the Major League Baseball (MLB) website, the team announced Friday morning that Cleveland Indians is no more, and the new name, drum roll... is Cleveland “Guardians.”

Cleveland first announced last summer that it would begin having conversations with local community members and Native American groups about the possibility of a name change. The organization announced in December that it was beginning a search for a new nickname.

More than 4,000 fans signed up to be part of the conversation [read: monologue, since the fans had no say in keeping the team’s name], and over 40,000 fans were surveyed, including 140 hours of interviews with fans, staff and community [sic] members. The organization determined that the name should connect to the city of Cleveland, preserve the team’s rich baseball history and unite the community. -MLB

[N.S.: But changing the team’s name was diametrically opposed to all of those supposed goals. The pathetic rationalization is in the typical, Orwellian language we see today from the powers that be.]

The franchise also announced the name change in a tweet:

This follows the Washington Redskins, who changed their name [sic] “Washington Football Team” in the summer of 2020.

Both of these teams have ditched Native American terminology because in today’s “woke” culture it’s considered racist.

[N.S.: But “woke” culture is the enemy of sports fan culture. Wokists insist that every time a fan watches a game, or reads or listens to a discussion about his team, he has his nose rubbed in the political feces that sports are supposed to escape.]

GRA: The name of the team doesn’t mean a damn thing. Are kids now forbidden to play Cowboys and Indians (do they do that anymore?) or does it have to be Cowboys and Guardians? And why is the name Cowboys okay for a sports team, but not Indians? Jeezus.


N.S.: I beg to differ. The name means a lot. It means the history of the franchise, its fans, state, and country.


  1. I'll clarify.Calling the team the Indians is not an insult,so changing it to the Guardians is meaningless, because there's no improvement in doing so.


  2. I guess the more accurate word I should have used would be "pointless",instead of "meaningless".Many fans have a loyalty to the team-which includes the team name.Changing the name is pointless because nothing is gained.It is not meaningless--not to fans who liked the logo,the drumbeat and the history.Bob Feller was a Cleveland INDIAN--not a Guardian.


  3. Guardians of the universe?

    Seminole tribe encourages use of the tribal name and logo. They are proud to have the name used.
