Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Study on Liberals (Complicated Graphic)


  1. Chekov:Captain,sensors indicate a liberal on board the Enterprise.

    Kirk:Damn!A starship is no place to have a liberal on board.They never work--and all they try to do is organize protests and complain about me on

    (Kirk walks toward Spock)


    Spock:Liberals are usually quite easy to visually identify Captain.Often they're black,Asian or from another planet.

    Kirk:That's just about our whole CREW!!!Security to the bridge.
    (Bridge doors open)
    Kirk:Get Spock,Uhura and Sulu out of here--that damn Roddenberry has me surrounded--Bones,thank God you're here-- and Scotty.

    Roddenberry:Wait a minute Jim,you mean all three of you are conservatives?

    Kirk:Yes...we..are.Any problem with that Gene?
    Roddenberry:I don't know how you got past Starfleet's--and CBS's screening procedure,but all of you will have to be sent back in time--to Earth,1941.

    Kirk:With Joan Collins again?
    Kirk:Not a bad punishment,!

    Roddenberry:Sorry Kirk--report to the transporter room and take your White conservative friends with you.Roddenberry out.

    Kirk:Former captain's log 1225.34,Scotty,Bones and I are here on Earth just prior to World War II.We've noticed very few blacks and hardly any liberals.It's a much better world than where we were,in the 23rd century.Maybe we can change the future somehow,now that we know how liberals have ruined it.Kirk out.


  2. jerry pdx
    I have to wonder what Roddenberry, God rest his soul, would have thought about the modern Stark Trek going full on Woke. He was "progressive" I guess with his vision of "integration" in the future but I don't recall even a hint of affirmative action, he never pushed the idea of promotion simply by virtue of race, or planet of origin, you were there because you deserved to be, not because you demanded it. Sometimes I think he must be spinning in his grave to see what Star Trek has turned into.

    But I did love those early episodes with female crewmembers in miniskirts. I remember thinking as a kid I'd never be like Kirk with his "A Captain...must...never...give...into...lust...with...subordinates... I would have banged the heck out of that sexy yoeman.

  3. "I don't recall even a hint of affirmative action, he never pushed the idea of promotion simply by virtue of race, or planet of origin, you were there because you deserved to be,not because you demanded it."
    GRA:That's assuming a lot Jerry,maybe AA was totally accepted by then. MY view of Star Trek--300 years from now--I'd would be very surprised if BOTH blacks and Whites survived the previous three centuries and were working together--one of those two races will not have made it,I think.

    That may label me "pessimistic",but the original Star Trek is too optimistic,imho.


  4. Many are highly educated BUT lack even a lick of common sense.
