Friday, July 30, 2021

Secretive black vigilante group, forever family, is Now Patrolling London’s Streets in Stab Vests. Who Exactly are They?

By R.C.
Thu, Jul 29, 2021 10:35 p.m.

Secretive black vigilante group, Forever Family, is Now Patrolling London’s Streets in Stab Vests. Who Exactly are They?

RT Op-Ed


  1. This sounds similar to Black Muslim shit. Caesar [Julius] cut the right hands off the Gallic warriors after he took over Gaul. Caesar had the right idea?

    Seems too Enoch Powell was right.

  2. jerry pdx
    Some excerpts from the article are below. I couldn't find much of anything else online about this group, they don't appear to be garnering much media coverage. I immediately thought of the Guardian Angels but that group was multi racial/ethnic, this group it entirely black and the Angels didn't (or don't) have paramilitary equipment. It states in the article the group approaches children and interacts with them without parental consent, though it does not say what the race of the children are, my guess is they approach black children only trying to create the false impression only black children are the ones in danger. Then they issue a statement about "racists" killing black people as if white people are the ones endangering them. Of course, as we all know, it's other blacks who are the real danger but this group, like all of them, pretend it's Whites that are the ones killing them and issue vaguely threatening statements to Whites designed to make them feel uneasy and guilty. At least the liberal ones, I don't feel guilty and I don't think most readers of this column do either.

    I have a hunch if they see White men in the vicinity of the children they are "overseeing", they would stare him down and treat him like a child molester, but if they see black or Paki groomers they treat them like "brothas" trying to create a false impression that the "brown man" isn't the evil child abuser. That's how these people think, they lie to themselves, they lie to the world, they are sick in the head.

    From the article:

    And the latest edition of their newsletter states they have started a controversial national initiative, the People’s Patrol. It describes how the patrol aligned with a surge in media reports of attempted child abductions in London. At the time, the Metropolitan Police said this was internet speculation and that there was no reason to believe abductions are a growing problem.

    However, the Forever Family Force seemingly patrolled the streets, interacting with children without parental consent, with their newsletter stating: “FF Force spent time overseeing children making their way to school alone in the morning and spoke to parents and carers about key issues affecting their neighbourhoods.” It also admitted they “gathered intelligence on areas,” and there were pictures of children in school uniform as Forever Family “handed out over 300 Nike, Puma and New Balance backpacks and sports bags.”

    After warning against violence within the black community, he added, “To have racist people be murdering our brothers on these roads, we’re not going to have it, fact, and I’ll die on that. And there’s a 1,000 man in Brum that will die on that, a 1,000 man in London, a 1,000 man in Manchester and a 1,000 man in better know what time it is.” The tone of McKenzie’s speech is in keeping with Forever Family’s confrontational image

  3. jerry pdx
    I did another search for the Forever Family with different keywords and came up with more info. Apparently, reparations are part of their schtick:
    I actually find this amusing and a bit ironic. The Brits love to brag about how they didn't have black slaves on British soil like the US did. It's one of the many thing they love to lord over Americans so they can feel culturally and morally superior. Of course, they ignore the many millions who labored for centuries as slaves for the "Empire the Sun Never Sets On", and the participation of Brits in trafficking of slaves. Not to mention their legacy of indentured servitude, which is just another form of slavery. So I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for those self righteous sanctimonious limeys. Oops, is that word going to trigger Disqus censors? Oh wait, this is NSU...Whew...

  4. That article seems to be rather ambiguous as to the rage of the "Famblee" is directed against. Colored gangs stabbing other colored gang members or is it against whitey?

  5. Slavery was an important aspect of British North America. Those original colonies that became independent states had as the goal "plantations" for the growing and export of cash crops. Cotton, tobacco, indigo, rice, etc.
