Thursday, July 22, 2021

REPORT: Pentagon Hires UK Company Funded By Google/Soros to Spy on U.S. Military Members

By R.C.
Thu, Jul 22, 2021 6:19 p.m.

REPORT: Pentagon Hires UK Company Funded By Google/Soros to Spy on U.S. Military Members

R.C.: Whites need to quit the military, and allow the government to recruit Third Worlders to replace them.

It’s not like the Pentagon is defending us from the invasion from the South.


  1. Right,why should White soldiers defend a third world country?


  2. Commie purge coming.

    AND YES, why would any white even want to be in the U.S. military anymore? If this country is so bad, why defend it?

  3. For whitey troops your services, skills and abilities might be in high demand soon. And not in Afghan or Iraq. I hate to say so but I do say so.
