Thursday, July 22, 2021

On New York City’s Moral Collapse

By Nicholas Stix

At least, new york post columnist Bob McManus doesn’t celebrate nation of islam mayoral candidate Eric Adams, even if, in his conclusion, he does see Adams’ election as inevitable.

“Time will tell whether the impending election of mayoral candidate Eric Adams marks a turnaround. Let’s hope. But all that’s certain for now is that the current trend lines are profoundly discouraging. Unnecessarily so.”

Hey, Bob, in the immortal words of GRA, "Give Sliwa a chance!"


  1. I read his column and he's right,but his mood is resigned--which means the lawbreakers have broken him,gotten him to accept the defeat of the principle of law enforcement in NYC--which is what blm-antifa thugs wanted. Their strategy: Complain that arrests of minorities for crimes such as illegal peddling,drug dealing and prostitution are examples of racial injustice long enough and eventually the "leaders" will say "F it"--we'll decriminalize all crime short of murder.We can't enforce the law on everyone anymore.

    It's true,they can't arrest evety single thug under the current system--there aren't enough prisons or jails big enough to house them all--and White politicians,now faced with growing numbers of minorities in city hall and crime boards--cannot push for tougher punishment enmasse either,so they wave the White flag and surrender.

    That's what happens when blacks get voted in/take over areas of government--mayor,police chief,city commission--the first thing they set out to do is sabotage the White man's system of law enforcement--and in many cities--they've succeeded.

    Now,it's just feeding on itself--and us(Whites).The hammer must come down on blacks and their unwillingness to enforce laws against minority criminals. There must be an awakening of Whites immediately--not the resignation that the Post columnist offers or we will ALL be under the gun--literally.


  2. Whitey just needs to leave the place and never look back. Cops can move with them. As the inhabitants of Rome when the city fell to the barbarians.
