Sunday, July 18, 2021

Leftwing Coffee Execs Who Deceptively Marketed to Patriots Have Now Fired Their Customer Base

By Nicholas Stix

Kind of like how Donald Trump insinuated he’d be the White man’s president, but once elected, became the black man’s president.

“Trump: The Presidency that Never was.”


  1. Too bad. I liked their web site for the articles. A lot of pressure has been applied to them.

  2. Very nice closing thought about how the CEO "hates racists",but approves of the NY Times--an anti-White,racist bird crap catcher.

    Whichever way the wind blows,for many business people,is how they give their allegiance--which is no allegiance at all.

    Remember the great Larry Tate on "Bewitched"?Exactly like him but 10 times more disloyal.

    If Whites ever fought back and laid the law down,you'd see this same CEO claiming he was totally on board the plan of "Whites taking the country back".

    In a civil war,it's guys like him,Peter Alexander,Major Garrett and the CEO of Krogers you round up for treason charges.

