Friday, July 30, 2021

Killadelphia: black man was Running Down One Raceless Person after Another, Leaving One Woman Dead, and at Least 3 Wounded, but His Self-Righteous Family is Already Playing the Crazy Card (with the Race Card to Come); in Other Words, They Admit He's Guilty as Heck

By Nicholas Stix

The comments are good. fox has yet to post photos of the war crime vics.

War crime suspect, Kareem Welton, 40


  1. Correct. I would like to know the race of the vics. And yes this was a deliberate spree with malice.

  2. There seem to be a lot of Whites who are hip to the fact that blacks are destroying the country--in spite of media lies to the contrary.But we're stuck here at step one--step two is the important one(doing something about it).


  3. Look at his face. He's like almost all the others: no repentance, no shame.
