Thursday, July 29, 2021

"I’m Beginning to Regret My Decision to Get Vaccinated"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Wed, Jul 28, 2021 4:35 p.m.

Nolte: I’m Beginning to Regret My Decision to Get Vaccinated

PGCE-P: From the sound of it, my family was safer from the coronavirus before we got vaccinated.

N.S.: The Boss has had terrible side effects.

On the other hand, my 68-year-old brother-in-law was one of the victims of political genocide: He had been doing great for years, in spite of suffering from glioblastoma (brain cancer). He had great doctors and treatment, and was able to go bicycling with my big sister for hours at a time. But young, low-risk school teachers were given priority in getting the jab, merely due to the power of their union. BIL was given Februry 11 as his jab date. He died on February 4th.

If I come down with the China Virus, I'll get the jabs, since otherwise I'll die. The jabs will surely shorten my life, but I'm not looking at a life expectancy of 80. None of the men on my mom's side of the family lived to 68. Plus, New York City blacks are trying to murder me (and other Whites, natch) much more frequently than they used to.


  1. I heard an interesting prediction about Covid-19 today. A guy said that five years from now, lawyers will be running commercials on TV: "Did YOU get the vaccination in 2021? Contact our office so we can get you your money!"

  2. I worry about these allegations that the vaccine can be dangerous. If that becomes established as fact we are all in big trouble.

  3. To jeigheff:Can't sue.
    To second anonymous:Interesting they deny any problems and want to force us to get the shot--or in the future, we can't leave our houses.I could get groceries shipped--that's fine--if need be.

