Thursday, July 22, 2021

El Paso: Seven Fully Vaccinated Residents Die of Covid-19 (or was It the Vaxx?)

“Vaccine Sites Destroyed and Vandalized in France, as Protests Intensify.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 11:16:00 A.M. EDT

(ZH) Officials with the City of El Paso confirmed that there has been a total of seven people who have died of COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated.

Health officials on Wednesday said during a meeting that all seven people had underlying health conditions.

1 – male in his 50s
1 – female in her 50s
1 – male in his 60s
2 - females in their 60s
1 – male in his 70s
1 – male in his 90s

Health officials said they did not have the information on which vaccines were administered to those seven people.

“The important thing to remember is we need not to forget that any vaccine is going to see a breakthrough case and depending on the person, the preexisting conditions, and other factors associated to the patient, might make it more prone to develop complications and pass away,” said El Paso Health Authority Dr. Hector Ocaranza.

[N.S.: “It”?! Well, that’s certainly sexually neutral.]

As of Wednesday, there are five new COVID-19 cases and a total of 2,693 COVID-19 related deaths since the pandemic began.

There are currently 687 active COVID-19 cases with 50 of those hospitalized.

As of Wednesday, 68 percent of the population ages 12 years and older have been fully vaccinated.

GRA: Seven that they admit to. Now, did they die of Covid—or the Vaxx?



  1. All I hear is that "those with underlying conditions NEED the Vaxx."

    Now these seven need a mortician.


  2. jerry pdx
    I know of two people personally who got Covid, one was an elderly uncle of a coworker who, according to her, died of Covid. The other was my cousin's husband, except he came down with Covid after getting the Vaxx. He had a pneumonia like illness that lasted a couple of weeks right after getting the jab but blamed it on "allergies". Like like all members of my family, he's completely indoctrinated and is a big "all must get the poke guy" so couldn't admit there might be something wrong.

  3. That vax really it seems is not a total panacea. And experimental drug as is totally understood.
