Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Educationists Have Promoted the Genocidal Hatred of Whites for a Long Time

By A Colleague
Tue, Jul 20, 2021 4:37 p.m.

Refreshing Bit of Sanity

Karol Marcowicz: "It shouldn't take living under totalitarianism to acknowledge how good we have it in the United States. It shouldn't be uncomfortable to say that we are the greatest country that ever was. You needn't have escaped from Communism to know it. It worries me that so many who were born free discard their birthright, treat it as irrelevant or unimportant."

Increasingly it does require having escaped from Communism or know some who have.   The appeal of the oppressor/victim paradigm to school of education faculty and thus for using that paradigm in the training of education professionals (teachers, administrators, etc.) cannot be overestimated.  
Moreover, schools of education faculty train not just teachers and administrators but also state education department personnel who, for example, serve on state textbook adoption committees.  About half of states are "adoption states" --- meaning use centralized selection of approved textbooks.  School of ed faculty also advise/consult with education publishers and editors. These people want to make sure their textbooks have a chance to be adopted.  $Millions are at stake.
 A stark example from a 2003 bestseller by a prominent liberal/moderate education historian [may have shared a few years ago]:  Introductory paragraph from a column I wrote 20 years or so ago:

In The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (2003), Ravitch revealed how textbook publishers efficiently generate the required content. Their key instrument: comically elaborate "bias and sensitivity guidelines" — some of which, with great difficulty, Ravitch was able to obtain. Below is her description of the guidelines of publishing giant McGraw-Hill:
"The MH [McGraw-Hill] guidelines express barely concealed rage against people of European ancestry. They deride European Americans for exploiting slaves, migrant workers, and factory labor; they excoriate the land rapacity of the pioneers and mock their so-called courage in fighting Native Americans: 'Bigots and Bigotry,'  say the guidelines, referring to European Americans, 'must be identified and discussed.'  European Americans, the guidelines suggest, were uniquely responsible for bigotry and exploitation in all human history . . ." (p44, The Language Police) 

1 comment:

  1. Exploitation--isn't that right out of the Commie Handbook?

    It gets the "masses"(another commie fave)fired up.

    Race,however,wasn't a trigger word,back in 1900.It was Whites vs Whites in good old Russia.

    The worker was oppressed.
    Fast forward to today,no one is oppressed(except Whites).If you want to work in a legitimate way--at your level of talent you can do as well as that talent will take you.

    In the black's case,they get a boost from affirmative action and other handouts.No oppression of blacks.

    That's where race and racism come in--the new oppression--even if it's all contrived.As long as the media repeats the mantra as many times a day as they do--it becomes accepted as real.

    And that's where we are today.

