Monday, July 19, 2021

black Basketball Killer Sought in Texas

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Jul 18, 2021 10:54 p.m.

The suspected shooter is described as a black man with a thin build, who was wearing shorts and Russell Westbrook sneakers, but no shirt at the time of the shooting. He also had dreadlocks that were long in the back with a bun in the front of his head, po


  1. Not just basketball.OTHER bad combinations include...

    Walking,sitting on a porch,at a bbq,driving around,at a store,attending a funeral,standing on a corner,at a park,eating breakfast,taking a plane,taking a bus,going to school,attending a sporting event,riding a subway,AT a Subway,block party,talking about sports,talking about women,selling drugs,taking drugs,washing a car,in a bar,drunk at home,playing cards,shooting pool,panhandling,loitering,at an IHOP,arguing with the following:the old lady,the girlfriend,the best friend,your brother,father,sister or mother,splitting stolen loot,at the barbershop,birthday parties and finally,going to church.

    Any of those activities,plus...

    blacks and guns.

    None of them seem to end quietly.

  2. The argument with the death. How typical. Those people sure get into a lot of arguments.
