Thursday, July 22, 2021

Biden Regime Promotes "Racial Justice" Guide Pushing Students and Teachers to Racially Terrorize Whites

By R.C.
Thu, Jul 22, 2021 12:30 p.m.

Biden Regime Promotes "Racial Justice" Guide Pushing Students and Teachers to "Disrupt Whiteness"


  1. NNN just showed the funniest video ever in the black thug genre at 6:43 p.m. tonight.I believe Tom Costello had the report which was introduced by Holt as "Merritt Garland is going to start cracking down on big city violence."

    The reporter then showed two blacks on either side of a brick pillar,on a sidewalk.
    "Here,one person is seen shooting another," says Costello.

    A short black male--with a pistol--was on one side of the pillar--trying to shoot the other taller black,but the taller black kept moving around the post--a la Keystone Cops--keeping the pillar between him and the shooter.They circled around it a few times before the tall black made a run for it and got shot in the back(off camera).

    "AFV" on Sunday nights,should show this one--it's a classic.It will probably be on the NNN daily news download on NBC.I can't recommend the video with any more enthusiasm.I could see it going --on a loop--to be played for infinity.

    BET should start a show,"Funniest black thug Videos",based just on this 15 second clip alone.


  2. Children in the sights of the commie mob. White children! Evil persons do that sorta stuff. But we [at least some of us] knew they were evil all along.

  3. That incident/video actually occurred in NYC.If you find the newscast for NNN,July 22nd--you can click right on it and get a good laugh.Gabe Gutierrez is the reporter.

