Monday, July 19, 2021

5 Fully Vaxxed Texas Democrats Who Fled to Washington, D.C., Now Have the Chinabug

By "W"
Sun, Jul 18, 2021 9:33 p.m.

5 Fully Vaxxed Texas Democrats Who Fled to Washington, D.C., Now Have the Chinabug


  1. In Britain and Israel large numbers of people who were "fully vaccinated" have caught the virus. In almost every country massive vaccination has been associated with spikes in cases. In Washington State, they claim they have reached 70% vaccination--not counting the immunity from the many thousands who recovered--certain herd immunity would have been achieved--IF THE VACCINATION REALLY WORKED AS CLAIMED. (Notice that talk of herd immunity seems to have vanished?)
    Try as the MSMM, the medical establishment, and government might, eventually the truth will emerge that the "vaccine" hasn't worked as they claim it does. If there is a massive die off of vaccinated people, no doubt they will try to blame in on new versions of the virus and unvaccinated people. They will do everything to try to hide evidence that the vaccination makes things worse.

  2. Maybe they went there to catch it and bring it back for their unvaxxed GOP opponents to acquire--are they that smart?
