Monday, June 28, 2021

Why Does Rich Lowry Hate White People?

[Re: “blacks in Baltimore City Insist on Shooting Everyone in Sight; Cowardly Pols Blame the Weather.”]

By David in TN
Monday, June 28, 2021 at 2:53:00 P.M. EDT

Rich Lowry at nro bloviates on how liberals don’t care about black murder victims. Lowry even stays away from who the killers are. Not a word about black-on-white murders.

Most of the comments are equally clueless.

N.S.: Let us not forget that Rich Lowry jumped on the Trayvon Martin bandwagon, declaring, "Al Sharpton is right."



  1. OH, it is just hot outside. Stay inside and turn the AC on then.

  2. Why does ANY White person hate other Whites?

