Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Religion of Rape: Greek Woman is Raped by Afghan… When She Pleads for Help from Three Passing Pakis, They Gang-Rape Her, as Well

[Re: “In Greece, the Choice is, Genocide… or Genocide”

N.S.: The same thing happened a few years go, in England. Then again, the same thing happened, but with black attackers, to the Central Park Jogger, Trisha Meili, on April 19, 1989. ]

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 11:45:00 AM EDT

Greek woman is raped by Afghan...When she asks for help from 3 passing Pakis, they rape her also:

Jerry PDX: One has to wonder, just how infested is Greece with Muzzie scum that this woman can’t turn around without running into a raping follower of islam? I did a little research and discovered that the population of Greece is just over 11,000,000 people, the same population as Sweden. There are roughly two million foreigners, mostly moslem foreigners living in Greece, which means almost 2/10ths of the population is now foreign.

There is a graph showing the variety of foreigners living in Greece and it shows there is a cross section of nationalities, even many from neighboring European countries like Albania or Romania. However, the wiki entry was dated 2011 and there does not seem to be data for later than that. Why is wiki so out of date? Do they not want more current population information to be out there? How much has immigration expanded since 2011?

There was more that was suspicious, this is wiki, after all, and you don't call it the fake encyclopedia for nothing. I spotted this comment:

In the 2010s, in the wake of the Greek financial crisis, the population started to decrease and birthrates plummeted, while death rates increased, due to an aging population. Many Greeks emigrated abroad, while more recently the population decrease has been largely stabilized, due to foreign immigration.

Population “stabilized,” due to immigration? It states that most foreign immigrants are from neighboring European countries like Albania or Hungary, which seems to contradict the idea that most immigrants are coming from the Middle East, Africa, or Asia. But aren’t birth rates in Europe plunging continent wide? So, if most migrants are coming from Hungary, Albania etc... then the populations of those countries would be dropping from out-migration and the regional native population of Europe would still be going down.

[N.S.: the pretend encylopedia lied--surprise, surprise, surprise. Most of the “migrants are moslem.]

The wiki graphs showed 18,000 migrants from Pakistan and around 30,000 from other Middle Eastern countries but I don’t believe those numbers tell the whole story. I’ve read about how Middle Eastern and migrant immigrants will illegally enter various European countries, then get shuttled to other European countries. I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised, if Muslims and Africans are getting counted as being from, let’s say, Hungary, because they “came” from Hungary, even though they are not Hungarian but originally from Asia or Africa. And also, are those numbers also from 2011 and haven’t been updated for nearly ten years? It wasn’t clear.

Is this wiki entry designed to downplay the impact of mass migration from the Third World? I just don’t know but since all the data we see online passes through the filter of woke ideologues, it’s all suspect.

Something tells me these rapists will get candy-a-- sentences of some kind, after all, they just didn’t know it was wrong in the White world.

What’s with the Greeks, anyway? Aren’t they the home of the Spartans? The most feared warriors in ancient Europe? Wasn’t that movie, 300, based on how courageous Spartan warriors were? I think the operative word is “were.” Have they been emasculated like the Vikings have been? Now pakis, afghans, and africans can rape their woman with impunity, while the men do nothing? The global replacement plan will work one way or the other. White women that do not voluntarily choose to bear children of third world invaders will be raped and forced to bear them, anyway.



  1. The woman was pregnant. An especially grave and aggravated offense.

    When they talk about Romanian "migrants" they usually mean Gypsies.

  2. Bottom line is that Greek men have been emasculated, what they want to do with all white males.
