Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Target Store Closings Show Limits of Pledge to black communities

By R.C.
Wed, Jun 30, 2021 7:21 p.m.

Target Store Closings Show Limits of Pledge to black communities

R.C.: Should all get Amazon Prime memberships.

N.S.: The Capitol One branch in my area closed down several years ago, out of pure racism. Neighbors pulled tens of millions of dollars out of accounts there.



  1. Michael Corkery wrote that story--he's with the NY Times.I wondered while I scanned it,why the style of writing was so sympathetic to the blacks.In fact it went beyond sympathy--into a narrative that attempted to cast Target as a business which should have stayed in Baltimore--no matter the non-stop complications and problems of catering to blacks on a daily basis.

    He didn't own up to being employed by the Times until the very end-and then it all made sense.

    I suggest Corkery move his office into the now available building where Target used to be.Stay there,enjoy the atmosphere of black urban living.Be introduced to what Target had to face until,as they said,"there was no other choice but to close."

    Then,as you start to understand--firsthand-- the multitude of reasons why Target left(the shootings,robberies,break-ins,drug dealing),I assume you won't stick around as long as Target did--before you hightail it back to your previously cozy spot where it's relatively safe(compared to Baltimore at least).

    After that--just shut the hell up--about something,it's obvious,you know very little about.

  2. jerry pdx
    I guess this would be called a "sucker belt" attack?
    But again, media blames the homeless instead of pointing these kind of random attacks are almost exclusively the province of the negro. One exception in this case though is the victim appears to be a light skinned negro woman not the usual White or Asian one.

  3. jerry pdx
    Right after I sent the story about the "sucker belt" attack, I spotted this:
    Yup, first they blame homeless, now it's "dirt bikers". No, it's the negro, that's the common denominator.

  4. Probably rife with shop-lifting and robberies in the parking lot the place became economically a hindrance to the corporation.
