Sunday, June 27, 2021

Portland Cops Shot a Man, but Nothing Happened!

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 10:14:00 P.M. EDT

Cops shot a man a few nights ago in Portland, but there were no protests:

The police and local news reports immediately broadcast the victim as a "white male." I was scouting around for more details about what happened and I spotted the post story. The n.y. post actually picked up this story and pointed out that the cops broadcast his race to head off protests by ntifa. No local media outlets mentioned that at all.

It worked, Antifa stayed calm.



  1. What if he wasn't White--and they LIED!!!Maybe every person shot in Portland--from now on--will be identified as White.Just to keep the peace(sort of).

    As the scam continues and grows more suspicious,the police will have to come up with ways to satiate the press' stubborn insistence on causing riots.

    My prediction:

    Publicity photos of old White actors from the 1930s will be released to the public by police and identified as the deceased.Huntz Hall would not be known by most--he could be used.Percy Kilbride's picture would be a fine option for police to publish,trying to avoid more outcry against cops shooting blacks--or even the suggestion of it. Best to lie and quickly put out a potential fire with a fake photo of an old character actor.

    So the pics look a little out of date--big deal.They might even run out of "B" actors and have to resort to other more well known people:

    "Hey,Marge,that White guy they shot last night looks just like Groucho Marx!"
    "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard...ohhh,he does Bert--,but you know what they say,'everyone has a twin."
    "And the guy yesterday looked like Andy Devine!"
    "Sure,Bert--go to sleep."

    See how easy?


  2. OH, just a white man. OH, I am so glad just a whitey man.
