Saturday, June 26, 2021

Portland 2019 War Crime Murder Solved

[Re: “Yep... It’s the The Color of Crime: black males between 16-35 Years of Age are only 2.0% of the Population, Yet Commit 72% of the Street Crime in America.”]

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 3:06:00 A.M. EDT

Speaking of that 2%, a white man was shot to death in his car a couple years ago, the sole suspect has been caught and his name is, I kid you not, Tyreik D. Credit.

The victim’s name was 48-year-old Thomas Osborn and, according to police, he had been in some kind of dispute with a “group of people,” before he was shot. What they meant to say was he got into a dispute with a group of black males, and one of them pulled a gun and shot him. Apparently, a gang of young black men can’t handle one 48-year-old white soy, boy so one of them needed to pull a gun and kill him. I don’t like to stereotype based on appearance, but that Mr. Osborn looks like a member of the Woke crowd to me. He learned the hard way about the realities of “diversity.”

Here is a photo of the mope that killed him:



  1. jerry pdx
    One thing I forgot to mention in this story is how nobody else in the gang that murdered him served any time. It's reminiscent of the murder of Kris Kime during the Seattle Mardi Gras day race riots, only one of the gang of thugs that beat him to death served any time, that was Jerrel Thomas who ended up serving 9 yrs. Contrast that with how the other police with Chauvin are being persecuted and hounded also, even if they weren't actually helping to subdue Floyd. Isn't there supposed to be some kind of law that says if a criminal commits a murder during a criminal act and he has participants, even if they didn't actually do the murder, they are also culpable? It appears that rule only applies to Whites.

  2. Two years to catch a nig?They don't talk,that's for sure--and the "Underground Railroad"(the blacks who band together to move wanted black criminals to safer locations far away)in my area,has enabled a lazy,black slug to disappear.
    He was wanted for killing two black women he was leeching off of,in early 2020.


  3. The slightest little thing sets THEM off. Or they just wanted to kill a white to kill a white. Those folks are devolving into another species.
