Friday, June 04, 2021

One Billion Americans and Race

By An Old Friend
Thu, Jun 3, 2021 7:47 p.m.

One Billion Americans

AOF: My subject line is the title of a book by the goober Matthew Yglesias, one of the infesters of the "explainer" website vox.  Steve Sailer mused about Yglesias and his book in a September 2020 article that I just stumbled upon:

Highlight paragraph of Sailerian frankness:

Indeed, one reason for this summer's mania over whites supposedly oppressing blacks is because blacks vaguely realize that the white man's days are numbered due to immigration. Once the immigrants take over, nobody will take seriously anymore African-Americans' sad stories about George Floyd, redlining, and Emmett Till. So blacks had better guilt-trip whites fast into making expensive concessions because the next rulers of America sure aren't going to fall for black tears.

1 comment:

  1. "blacks had better guilt-trip whites fast into making expensive concessions"

    Concessions mostly money will be useless. Spent overnight most of it on silly frivolity and "good times". Gone and back in the hands of someone else very quickly.
