Monday, June 28, 2021

Louisiana: Another FBI Agent Arrested for Raping Small Children

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Jun 27, 2021 11:16 a.m.

Louisiana: Another FBI Agent Arrested for Raping Small Children



  1. jerry pdx
    Poll shows that an overwhelming number of Brits back a ban on illegal migrants claiming asylum:

    Of course, since when does what the people want have anything to do with anything? When do "the people" ever figure out they are just pawns of the globalists?

  2. And to all this J. Edgar would say?

  3. jerry pdx
    Details from the recent knife attack in Germany not reported by mainstream media outlets. All 3 people that died were women, the other 5 attacked were all women and one child (sex of child not revealed). Basically, Merkel's son was targeting females:
    According to witnesses he shouted "Allah Akhbar" during the attack but no explanation as to why Allah would want a true believer to murder only women. A German cop shot him in the thigh...He attacked 8 women with homicide on his mind, kills 3, was armed with a deadly weapon and the German cops shoot to wound, not kill. I think they need some lessons from US cops on when it's appropriate to use deadly force (if not a case like this, then when?). Now the German taxpayer will be supporting this guy for the rest of his life. Well, that is until they find an excuse to release him.

  4. Not surprising--the FBI is raping the entire country. Time to disband these partisan enforcers.
