Thursday, June 24, 2021

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone - Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO)

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Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 09:25:05 PM EDT
Subject: Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone - Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO)

I am not surprised.

My cousin Ned worked in the LBJ White House decades ago. I know all about the "Swamp."

Why are folks in this banana republic "surprised" about the Deep State?


They are all corrupt.

And they all hate your guts.


  1. That Jan 6th is such a mess now--it's been intentionally muddled so that no one can tell the truth,except in one way:Whatever MSM(NNN specifically)tells you--believe the opposite.


  2. FBI false flag agent provocateur operation. Oath Keepers, 3 % all the leaders ex-government security forces. Typical government shenanigans.
