Tuesday, June 01, 2021

17-Year-Old Left Gasping for Air and Sent to the Hospital with Myocarditis After 2nd Dose of Pfizer Experimental Jab

By R.C.
Tue, Jun 1, 2021 10:23 p.m.

17-Year-Old Left Gasping for Air and Sent to the Hospital with Myocarditis After 2nd Dose of Pfizer Experimental Jab

1 comment:

  1. Giving this dangerous biological agent to children is nothing less than outrageous child abuse. Children are at little risk from the virus, but no one know how much risk they will be from these injections. As the spike protein causes much of the damage from getting the Wuhan Virus, why does anyone think injecting people with something which causes trillions of spike proteins is a good idea?
