Thursday, May 27, 2021

Tiger Woods: "I've Never been in Such Pain..."

By "W"
Thu, May 27, 2021 1:28 p.m.

Tiger Woods: "I've Never been in Such Pain..."

"W": Wouldn't we all if we had DUI'd into a tree and broken a lot of bones?

Which he probably did, because he'd od'd on pain-killers, and it sounds like he's exploiting his current condition as a pretext to abuse still more of them!

The Boss is a meds nurse, and she has observed that once someone has a good reason (e.g., car accident) for being prescribed pain-killers, he never wants to get off them, and is typically beliggerent about getting them, even when it's not time yet, and the doctors make no effort to wean pain-killer addicts.



  1. It seems a good bet that Tiger doesn't make 60.


  2. Pain killers plus some other stuff probably. Too bad.
