Friday, May 28, 2021

Reward Reaches $67,500 in Toddler's Death

By A Texas Reader
Fri, May 28, 2021 11:36 p.m.

Reward Reaches $67,500 in Toddler's Death

A reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or people responsible for the toddler's death has been increased to $67,500. -$67500-in-toddlers-death/10703421/

ATR: Some party.



  1. "I lost something that I can never get back," Elijah's mother said at the press conference Wednesday. "Just please, please, if you know something, please say something."
    GRA:She'll have 10 more just like him--probably preggers already.
    Come on now,she KNOWS no one will say anything--all blacks go in front of TV cameras and put on the act.She probably knows herself who did it.
    Third,who's putting up that kind of money?$67,000?Please.



    GRA:This wasn't on any news reports,but Saturday morning around 2am,there were what sounded like 50 emergency vehicles zooming around the West side of GR.I thought,either a mass murder,a tremendous fire or aliens had landed.

    This morning,I went to my bank to use the ATM and discovered it lying on its side in a twisted heap next to where it use to stand.Negroes(I'm sure)rammed it with an auto to try and make a nig*er withdrawal without a debit card.

    You know you're living in a ghetto when...your ATM is attacked by "someone".

    Amazing destruction.And nothing on the news.I'll keep looking.


  3. "The unknown shooter or shooters fled the scene,". Some damned whitey guy must have done this crime. Who else would have? Sure.
