Sunday, May 02, 2021

Do 2/3 of Americans Approve of Where We are Going, or is This Just Another Shameless Push Poll?

By "W"
Sun, May 2, 2021 4:08 p.m.

Americans Approve of Where We Are Going?

"W": If true, the 2/3 have a different understanding of where we have been and where we are going than we do:



  1. Who's taking the poll--ABC?I'll bet you that when NBC comes out with the same type of polling,they'll have it at 80% optimistic.The only ones(20%),who MSM will say are voicing negativity,will be racists,White supremacists and Republican conservatives.What that means is,the other 80%(as they tabulate it) of America--the queers,blacks,trannies,illegals,feminazis,White hating Whites,quasi-commie females and full-fledged commies of both sexes are being asked 4 times as often as regular folks.

    That's the fact,Jack.


  2. Since I am not even sure WHERE we are going I can neither agree or disagree we are going in the right direction.
