Friday, April 23, 2021

Police Reform, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s Vision

[Re: “Anti-Semitic, Fake Jewish Webzine, the forward, Has Gone All in on black Nazism, Hired Two AA, black supremacist columnists, and is Celebrating the Show Trial Conviction of White Officer Derek Chauvin for the Drug Overdose Death of Violent Felon, George Floyd.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, April 23, 2021 at 12:37:00 P.M. EDT

Want real police reform? You can’t have it—because what blacks want is the stripping of authority which police have to enforce the law on them. They also want immunity from arrest and prosecution for the entire gamut of crimes—including murder; blacks believe that all black crime is justified. Most black-on-black murder is justified and can be punished (if necessary) by themselves—WITHOUT White law interfering.

In other words, “justice” is what blacks decide it will be (not Whites), and that means zero “on-the-record” law enforcement, with no arrests or prison time.


N.S.: Thus will MLK’s “dream” be achieved. Check out his most famous speech, “I Have a Dream.” Not once but twice he condemns “police brutality.”

Like millions of other Whites, I had always taken him literally, but I recently re-read the speech with “black” eyes.

Keep in mind, too, that supporters of black supremacists, like Marxist professor of linguistics, Basil Bernstein, have long claimed that blacks always speak in a lying, private language— “code—switching”—whenever Whites are around.

Thus for King, who was both a black supremacist and a communist, “police brutality” simply meant any White policeman enforcing the law against any black criminal.


1 comment:

  1. Jooz traditionally throughout history finally end up "hitching their cart to the wrong horse" with always disastrous consequences.

    This time however at least the Joo has his own land to move to. Whitey USA will have none.
