Friday, April 30, 2021

More Troubling Reports of Clotting Disorders Following Doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

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From: The New American <>
Sent: Fri, Apr 30, 2021 4:59 p.m.

More Troubling Reports of Clotting Disorders Following Doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

More Troubling Reports of Clotting Disorders Following Doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
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TNA Top Daily Headlines | April 30, 2021

More Troubling Reports of Clotting Disorders Following Doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

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State-level Lockdowns Cause High COVID Death Rate in Brazil — Media Blames Bolsonaro

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Biden and Harris Agree: "America Is Not a Racist Country," but Only One of Them Is Ridiculed

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Biden Speech Frames Jan. 6 as "Worst Attack on Democracy Since the Civil War"; Twitter Explodes

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When the federal government oversteps its constitutional bounds, states can intercede and declare such actions unenforceable in their states. And many states are doing just that.


  1. Only troubling for the volunteers to the experiment.


  2. Blood clotting is a major cause of problems when you catch the Wuhan Virus. Think it is strange that blood clots are also a problem with ALL of the so-called "vaccines"? Well, maybe not surprising at all in that the spike proteins in the Wuhan Virus cause many of the problems--and the "vaccines" force your body to produce the same harmful spike proteins. And NO ONE knows how long these proteins will be produced and what long term effect they will have on your body. Got the shot and think you escaped? Thing again, the bad effects may not turn up for months or years--something to look forward to. Any one telling you the "vaccines" are safe in the long-term is LYING--BECAUSE NO ONE CAN KNOW YET. Last I heard, deaths from these shots is at 3,186, severe effects resulting in hospitalization are a 10,152. And it is estimated that only 1 to 3 percent of adverse effects are reported. Of course your government will claim those deaths are just coincidences--most die within 1 to 3 days of getting the shots, but of course the shots didn't cause the deaths. Think these deaths had nothing to do with the shots and Mr. Stix has a nice, slightly used bridge to sell you.
